I was thrilled when I had two daughters, Anna in 1974 and Suzy in 1978. There is something very special about the mother-daughter relationship, and now I am exploring that relationship with Anna in a whole new way; she has joined me at work.
When Anna was born nearly 40 years ago, the first thing the midwife said was: "She's got red hair." This was a shock because we had no redheads in our direct family, but she was right, and I have always loved her beautiful mane of auburn locks. She is also just over six feet tall, which is another exceptional and wonderful thing about her.
Anna was my staunchest ally when I told her that I intended to start, at 65, Look Fabulous Forever, a beauty brand for older women.
When Anna asked if she could join me at LFF, I was really thrilled. I knew she was looking for a new direction in her career, and I was delighted that she wanted to work with me. She’s married with two young sons, but like me, she has always sought challenges outside the home.
Anna started her new career as my second in command in June. Her temperament makes her very easy to work with. She is confident, articulate, and creative, and we are both full of ideas for the future.
Mum has always had some kind of work-life going on. When we were small children, she ran (her own) slimming clubs, and then she took a degree as a mature student. I remember her bashing away at her typewriter to finish essays as we were going to sleep. She’s always been quite entrepreneurial, and even during her time as a management training consultant, she'd often come up with ideas for businesses, but somehow other things got in the way, until now.
I've worked in PR for twelve years, give or take two periods off for having babies. So now I’ve taken the leap to join her, which is both a fantastic opportunity to understand a business inside out, and to work alongside my mum in a way that is flexible and works for both our lives.
Although I'm younger than our target market, I feel what Mum is doing with LFF is paving the way for my generation to think differently about aging and to challenge some of the perceptions that exist around how we look as we grow older.